Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It has been said that a man’s character is like a tree, his reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, and the tree is the real thing. One cannot dream their selves into a character, but they must hammer and forge themselves one. I can think of no better description of Louis Barrett, than of one that had forged his character, after his beloved savior and master. In memory of a man that was loved by everyone that knew him, I can think of no better way for me to share my love for him than to speak of his godly character. Brother Louis or Papaw, as I have affectionately referred to as long as I have known him; had a code of honor that he lived by. That code was born out of his great faith and love for God. He taught his values by the life that he walked before men and lived daily in front of his family and friends. Many a men succumb to failure in life because they are unwilling to stick to their principles, allowing themselves to be guided by them. Nothing in his life ever reflected failure, I can assure you. His resistance to compromise in what he believed was undaunted. Like other great men that achieved great success in life, Brother Louis believed in living by the Golden Rule. He not only believed in it, but he practiced it as well. His success as a husband, father, and friend were measured by how he loved and treated them. If you knew him, you knew that this was true of his life. He loved his Lord, his family, his church family and everyone else that had the fortunate privilege of crossing his path. He was concerned for the lost, he helped those that he could, and was the least judgmental person I have ever met in my entire life. It is a well-known fact within the Barrett family and to their precious mother as well as to all who knew him, that he was the most self-less person any of us have ever known. His life was a life of sacrifice and servitude. He was the kind of man that lived a life that others looked to and aspired to be like. If ever I have met a human being that was Christ like, it was Brother Louis. He never horded material possessions and he gave generously so that others could have as well. I recall working on special events at church and it never failed that Brother Louis was one of the first people to always ask what he and Mrs. Martha could do to help, no matter what the project was. His age never stopped him from serving the Lord, nor others. His humor will be cherished and his laugh will remain a sound that I shall never forget. He was a father figure to me, one that I never had, and I will always be in debt to him and Mrs. Martha for taking and loving my family as their own. He was one of the most successful men that I have ever known. His success was in his great character, in which few men ever achieve his level of. I could more than likely spill out pages of gratitude for what he has done and meant to us all. But I believe the best thing that I could say about him and that he would want men to say of him, is that he did what he could do….and because he did, He will hear Jesus Himself say to him, "Well done, thy good and faithful servant", to which there is no higher esteem!

With an everlasting love for you Brother Louis, we will see you soon!
Your family and friends

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