I love the Bible because it has proved itself real to me. It is alive and gives life and hope to those that desire it. It is the living Word of God, it is the very breath of God. It speaks on His behalf to the world. It represent Him; Who He is and what He has to say. The Bible lives because it is the Word of the living God. It is a living thing that reproduces and multiples, it propagates, it gives birth and life to the one who seeks what it has to say, believes and ask something of it. A stone does not reproduce because, it is not alive. A car while it may run, is not alive because it cannot reproduce another car. Concerning God’s Word, Peter said in I Peter 1:23, “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” A single seed under the right conditions can produce thousands of fruit. Why, because within that seed lies the genetic makeup of life. The word of God is a seed. It will grow wherever it is planted. Depending on the conditions of the heart of the one whose been confronted with it, God’s Word will either take root and produce a mighty spiritual fruit, or it will convict the heart that it has come into contact with, of it’s need for God….the result is left up to the individual’s choices and what they choose to do with the truth that is planted in every heart that the seed or word of God comes in contact with. But, it never returns void. It always accomplishes it’s goal to convict and change or simply to convict one of their spiritual need for God or truth.
It has a power that acts and reacts like a person towards me. Because it is alive, it gives me comfort when I seek it. The pages weep with me; in God’s understanding of where I may be sometimes in my deepest pain and suffering. It sings to me and causes me to run to it when my joy needs to be restored. It even wrestles with me, and smites me, when I need it. God’s Word will often times whisper my name, calling me to it, when there is something that I need to hear or be told. It never gets old, it never rejects me. When I make the effort to hide it in my heart, I cannot forget it. There have been so many times that I have picked it up, weary, stressed, distracted by so many things, my mind cloudy, my body tired and sleepy, and as I open it up, the strangest thing happens. The weariness drains from me, the distractions leave me and I find myself slap dab in the middle of something that I needed to hear or know. Nothing else does that for me like the Word of God does.
Throughout the ages men have tried to refute, disregard, discredit, deny, attack, restrict, contain and destroy the Word of God. Yet it continues to spring back greater each time, why? Because it is alive, God’s Word lives. It is sharper than any double edged sword. It cuts deeper than any cutting tool known to man, even into the soul of a man, woman, boy or girl. I read once where God’s word must be put to the throat of every sinful tendency, habit or thought, to reveal to man his nature and the nature of the living God. The sinful nature must be slayed, and the Word of God is the tool that can do it. It need only to come into contact with a heart to reveal and bring change. God’s Word cuts thoroughly, “It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow”
I love the Bible because through God’s revealed spoken word, it has given me new life, and the power to walk in it! There is much to say about the Bible….but it is the One that it reflects, that is the most important…and that is why I love “It” so!
Loving you today…