Tuesday, May 10, 2011


January 28, 2010 I went with a friend to the West Clinic for an appointment that she had. While I was there I talked to the person in charge of admissions, Ms. Etta. I asked Ms. Etta if she knew where I could get an MRI, I was past due for my routine check-up and was having symptoms but I didn‘t have insurance. She told me what I could do and where I could go. I took her advice and headed to the hospital‘s ER. I didn’t get an MRI; however, I did receive a CAT scan. The test results came back fine and I was on my way.
            After a few days I was feeling worse than ever and my mom knew I needed an MRI. She called the doctor Ms. Etta had suggested and they sent us back to the hospital for an MRI. Only when we got there they said they would see me but it was unlikely I would get an MRI because those aren’t administered in the ER. I began wondering why I was there if I wasn’t going to get an MRI and then the doctor came. We began to talk and I proceeded to tell him about my time in Honduras. I had only been back two and half months so it was still pretty fresh on my mind. I told him how I was sharing the gospel and what God was doing there but little did I know at the time he was a Muslim. It’s interesting how God set that up without either myself or the doctor knowing it was going to take place.
            That Muslim doctor was about to learn even more, about how God works. Unlikely as it was to get an MRI in the emergency room, God made sure that I was to have one. It “just so happened” that a slot opened up and a technician was on duty, who could read the results. I got the MRI and not long after returning to the room the doctor came in. The conversation was short and to the point. He simply said, “The tumor’s back.” Three little words carried a lot of weight especially since I went through the brain surgery experience five years earlier as a freshman in college. Now as a college graduate I would be facing it again.             
I was transported to another hospital, since the one that found the tumor didn’t have a neurology unit. While I was there my neurosurgeon came by to talk to me. Just as he came in the worship pastor from my church also arrived. My neurosurgeon told me the tumor came back in a different place and was more aggressive than the first one.  He said it was attached to two main arteries and would require a dangerous surgery to remove it. I asked if it carried the same risks as the first one and he told me the surgery held much greater risks than the first one did. That was a scary thought since the first one was suppose to leave me paralyzed, mental damaged, and going through chemo amongst other things. The doctor informed me that because of the great risks I really needed to go to another hospital like Baptist East, to receive interventional radiology. It was the best hospital around to get that procedure, but it was unlikely for me to get in since I had no insurance. The doctor left me with that and said he would make a few calls and let me know.
            What perfect timing for the worship pastor to walk in. He said as he was driving home God laid on his heart to drive a little further to the hospital. I was glad he obeyed. He was able to offer some much needed prayer for me and my family, as we had just receive all but good news. We prayed and about ten minutes after  the doctor had left, the phone rang and it was my doctor informing me that I would be leaving in the morning headed to Baptist East Hospital.  That was such a huge answer to the prayers that had only moments earlier gone out. God has such perfect timing and He is always sovereign. At that point I could not help but notice God and what He was doing. I quickly made it my prayer; that anyone who heard about what was happening to me would walk away, when it was over, and know without a doubt that God is the Lord.
            As I went to Baptist East I couldn’t help but joke about how Paul’s ministry was in prison and mine was in the Baptist East hospital. Five years earlier God saved me not just physically but spiritually in that hospital after a miraculous brain surgery. Now I was back and sharing Christ’s love like never before. On Monday morning, February 7, 2011, I scheduled for interventional radiology. After they gave me a list of risks, about ten times, and wheeled me to the wrong room saying first, “she needs to be in the other room in case something goes wrong” they began the first part of the procedure. They didn’t think they would be able to block any of the blood vessels when they started the procedure but afterwards they thought they might be able to get three. Again they told gave me a list of risks too many times before I signed the consent and with that they put me to sleep.  When I woke up the news was mixed. They had blocked the vessels to the tumor, but were skeptical about the surgery that had been scheduled for the next day.
            February 8, 2011, I went in for brain surgery for the second time in five years. All I wanted when I got out was to know that people saw God in all this and I wanted them to praise Him regardless of the outcome.  And how could they not; when once again He performed an amazing miracle. The neurosurgeon removed the tumor and began digging around my brain to try and get more from the source. I was given a pint of blood and titanium pieces to take home. Then I woke up in a quite dramatic fashion as I spent the ride to the ICU throwing up. But praise God I was fine! After a few long nights in ICU, I went to a room and then home. I didn’t spend much time at home before I was headed back to the hospital. My brain swelled and shifted some causing excruciating pain. I was placed back on steroids and the doctor watched me over the next week. The doctor told me all they could do is try to find the right dose of pain medicine. I wasn’t okay with that so I brought my case to God, after all He made my body. I trusted in Him to take away my painful nights and He did just that. My health continued improving and the body of Christ was coming together. People from all over the world were in prayer like-minded and for one purpose. “What an honor” I thought. God was using my situation to show all these people the power of prayer.  He was also revealing Himself to nonbelievers. How could I be anything but thankful?
            At the end of the week I was released and had the next month to heal before radiation. During that month God continued to work. God provided me with Medicaid insurance only two weeks after applying, a process that should take 3-6 months. Then when time did come for me to meet with the doctor for radiation God answered again. My doctor wants me to get gamma knife but the place in Memphis doesn’t take my insurance so it looked like I might not be able to get it. So I went back to the West Clinic where I started and Ms. Etta got me an appointment by the time I finished filling out the paper work; but not before I shared the miracle God did in my life with her. She is a believer herself and was encouraged by the story God gave me to share. In fact, when I went back to get my vitals checked she brought me people to witness to. Then on another visit she told me how she shared my story at her church and with her coworkers. One of those coworkers, Ms. Karen, came out to meet me. She told me how the story God gave me touched her life and she too was sharing it with others. What a privilege for me to play such small role, in a mighty work that God is doing.
            Another way God was working was news from the new doctor. He told me about a place in Jackson, Ms where I could get gamma knife treatment and he began working on getting me an appointment. Everything was lining up except one thing: the doctor in Jackson wanted me to get a few tests first. I had to get a post opp MRI and an ultrasound on my thyroid. The ultrasound came back and showed a spot; but the doctor thought it was normal, so no big deal. The MRI results showed a residual tumor, so I should have no problem qualifying for gamma knife treatment. In fact, I have a consultation April 15, 2011 to meet with a doctor in Jackson, MS to set it all up. The plan so far is to have treatment on the tumor and the area in which the tumors have been coming from. With confidence I can say, “God is always sovereign and I have no fear of what is to come for I know whatever it will be... will not be outside His will; for He is THE Lord.”
A Humble & Greatful Nikki

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