Tuesday, September 7, 2010


There is a silent war that's raging deep within me
My lower nature fights to dominate.
My Spirit-man is poise and left in battle
With the carnal side of me I've grown to hate.
The trumpet of my prayers play towards heaven.
A voice of desperation in my cry;

Lord, strengthen me that I might not yield myself to sin
but keep Your righteous banner lifted high.
Lord, I hunger... for Holiness and I thirst for... Righteousness that's Yours -
That my mind would be cleansed and my spirit would be filled,
and this temple that You dwell in would be pure.

The tempter stalks about me as a lion.
Searching for the slightest sent of blood.
For when the skin of my resistance is broken,
he moves in swiftly to deepen the cut.

Oh Lord of creation hear your servant,
You understand the weaknesses of man,
I am now counting myself crucified with Christ,
alive in Him and dead indeed to sin!

This is a song (that I did not write but love) that I have often found myself singing ...whenever, I am stranded spiritually and alone! The funny thing about being stranded spiritually and feeling alone is this....it's kinda like getting your car stuck in the mud. The car still runs (we are not alone), but the tires keep spinning (stranded). To get out of the rut, something must be done! We must get out of the car put something under the tire to give the tire friction and get out of the mud. In our lives we may need to find a Word to grab hold of, it might be a song we hear, a word of encouragement from someone...a Bible verse...whatever it may be....do something about it! Don't stay there spinning your tires!

I love you and am praying for guidance and delivery from your rut... that you can break free!


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