Wednesday, September 29, 2010


One of my precious grand buddies called me the other night.... crying! He was telling me that he misses me so much... and needs me so much... he could not even stop crying he said... because of his loneliness for me. Well, I don't think that I have to tell you about the emotion that welled up in me as I heard that little voice cry out for my effections, love and attention. He said... he just wanted to be where I was!

When I hung up the phone, I simply cried like a baby! The very first thought that entered my mind was that sometimes, Jesus misses me like that too! And Oh how I miss Him as well... and how I long for His appearing.... so that I can feel His arms around me, just to be in His very really look upon His face and see His tender smile. You see that is what my grand buddy was longing for... just to be in Granna's presences...for me to touch him and rub his little blonde head. He was simply missing me.

When my grand buddies are with me....nothing else matters! has to wait! Laundry, it can run through the washer one more time! Cooking... the local Mexican restaurants are calling our names. When they are with me I can never seem to affectionately touch their little faces, hands and shoulders enough. I can not tell them too many times how much I love them. There is not enough time in the day, to get all our playtime in, on the donkey, the tractor, playing marbles "for fair or keeps", or simply eating bologna until Pop has to go to the store to get more! When they are with us....we are never less than an arms length from them to run to.

When I go to Lord... be it in the morning, the middle of the day, afternoon or night time, He is always there to meet me! Sometimes in my quiet times with Him, I believe that He rushes to me, and gets there before I do. I feel His sweet embrace as I whisper a prayer of repentance and restoration for a recent sin that I may have committed. His arms go round me as I confess and He pulls me to His chest and gives me the loving embrace of a Father...I know He does, because I am there in that moment! It's not every time that I experience that kind of embrace, but for the times that I do, they act as buffers during the times that I am being chastened or because of my own actions of pulling away from Him.

Sometimes my grand buddies get the board of correction when they disobey after they have been warned several times not to do a certain thing. Those moments are not warm and fuzzy moments either. But as soon as they say those four humbling words, "I am sorry Granna" the party is back on! Oh how I love them! You see, sometimes I miss Jesus like that (for whatever reason it may be)....and sometimes He misses me! But as soon as I make some stuff right, the party is always right back on!

Please sweet friend, never feel like you are not loved or have no one to run to! Because you are most defiantly loved!...and you can always Run to Jesus! I love you!

Your enduring friend,

Thursday, September 16, 2010


If you look close enough you will find that some of the happiest people you know and see spend the least amount of time alone. They pursue personal growth and intimacy through interaction with other people. They are good at judging themselves by their moral code and seldom, against what others say, do or have. They surround themselves with family and friends, and will not give much thought about keeping up with the people next door. You will find that they often times can simply loose themselves in activities that keep them busy and keep them from dwelling on the negative side of matters, and most importantly; they forgive more easily because of the happiness inside them. They often choose to have an attitude of gratitude.

We know that materialism can be toxic and detrimental for long term happiness. It is a mere setup for disappointment. I read once where people have a set point for their personal happiness and they aren’t likely to take long leaps in either direction from that set point. Have you ever noticed how sickly people can often bear up pretty well, yet the hypochondriacs cling to their misery despite their robust health. I have seen this many times! The sun has gone down in so many people’s life and yet they do not realize that it can rise again, if they will only make more effort to attain it. For the most part when someone finds out that they have a fatal disease they begin immediately to strive to enjoy whatever life they may have left. Why? Because they choose an attitude to do so; and then make great effort to achieve it. While some people who constantly fear death actually becomes a slave to their self made illnesses. They of course like the person with the fatal disease, make a choice and park their mind in worry, fear and pity.

While some people do have medical problems that keep them from having or feeling the emotion of happiness, many are simply sitting in a wheel chair outside their Nursing Home room waiting for something to happen. Heads hung low, no conversation with anyone, feeling pity and being consumed by it.

I can say this because I have visited Nursing homes many times in my life and can tell you that they are some of saddest places on earth. As a matter of fact I was at a Nursing home just last night. As I stood in the corridor waiting to visit a sweet friend, I could see four elderly ladies all sitting in wheel chairs in a sitting room surrounded by glass. One lady was starring at the floor, two ladies were sitting beside each other mumbling words repeatedly to each other, and I am not sure if either one of them could understand the other, nevertheless they were making some effort to keep each other company. One lady was sitting 4 feet from a table that had a glass of water on it. This precious lady kept bending over with an extended hand trying to reach the small plastic glass of water. As I starred at them all, I wanted to run into the room and holler out, “Okay girls, get ready for some fun” with the hopes of jarring them out of their stupor of being paralyzed to their sadness and loneliness of just sitting there without anyone to interact with them. It goes without saying that every elderly person that I came in contact with during my visit there got some kind of reaction from me. I spoke to them, patted their hand, and smiled making effort to embrace their sadness, if for only a moment. While I am very aware that for the most part these precious ladies all had some type of physical and or mental problem if for no other reason; their age; I know in my heart that they could feel and show happiness because of their response to me. Once I made the effort to make contact with them, they in turn despite whatever medication they were on to keep them immobilized; managed to reach back to me.
By the way for those of you left wondering; yes, I did push the little lady over to the table to get her water…..I just prayed that it was her water that she was drinking!

The shear fact that they were being pursued to have fellowship caused an emotion in them to reach back to me if even for a moment’s happiness and companionship. They were so graciously grateful for that little bit of interaction and touch of human kindness. They simply made the choice to reach out and take some happiness for themselves if not for any other reason, but out of gratitude for me reaching out to them!

I believe that our gratitude has a lot to do with life’s satisfaction. If we can learn to savor even the smallest of pleasures, I believe that we would be a happier people. And last but not least, I also believe that forgiveness is the trait most strongly linked to real happiness; it has been said that, it is the queen of all virtues, and probably the hardest to come by. May people are trapped inside themselves harboring unforgiveness that reeks pain and depression on them. If they would but embrace forgiveness, their lives would be set free. You see God’s word tell us that unless we forgive, we are not forgiven. I think this principle is passed over way to often. You show me a person that is unwilling to forgive and I will show you a person that is haunted with bouts of depression and a strong feeling of not feeling loved. Even God said that you can not hate your brother and love Him. It is just not possible.

Sweet friend, please release whatever it is today that is holding you back from happiness and keep striving until you get a foothold on the answers that you are looking for. Remember, God is not absent during His silence….He is waiting for you to get to the place where you will see things His way and not your own! Happiness really is a choice, but we must choose it; every time some one reaches out to you in loving kindles, see it as the Hand of God reaching out to you to love on you!

I love you and pray peace and Happiness over you today and let's all choose to have "AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE"…

Thursday, September 9, 2010


The Prodigal Son has become the poster child for the Christian concerning failure and forgiveness. For parents with wayward children his story brings hope and promise. For the wondering child of God it has become the template of restoration and peace. But so often we overlook another very important character in this redemption story, the Prodigal’s brother, the faithful son.

I must tell you that I can so relate to the Prodigal, yet I can evenly identify with his brother, the one who stayed at home and served his father faithfully. Please don’t misunderstand me, despite my failures, flaws and my profligate prodigal past and without my steady pursuit of Christ and the grace and mercy that I receive on a daily basis, I am simply a pitiful picture of a bad kid struggling to be good!

The scripture does not take us any further with the Prodigal’s brother than when he told his father, “Look! All these years now I have been slaving for you and never disobeyed yours orders … Luke 15:29, and he also noted in verse 30 that he did not even get a pig party for it….and his father simply replied…‘Son, you have always been with me, and all that is mine is your….but we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found. Luke 15:31-32.

Yet when I observe the attitude of the faithful son I am sadly reminded how easy it is to have that sense of entitlement and insistence upon God for His approval for my faithfulness to Him in what little I do commit to Him. In the advanced stages of this pride and bitterness or “Christian Humbug” attitude, I can loose my joy and the sweetness that Jesus brings into my life if I do not surrender the rotten old stinky attitude of pity and pride. Like myself, anyone who seeks to be faithful and who is willing to learn from their sad story, there is hope in self-examination and repentance.

Is it not odd how in the scriptures as well as real life, how often times instead of celebrating that losers can make a turn around and flock to the One person that can help them, we grumble when they are accepted with open arms… and treat them as if they are an enemy of the very cross that represents both the wayward and helps the obedient one stay faithful and true.

There is redemption and forgiveness for those that have lost their way. Around every corner in every book in the precious scriptures...God is calling us home.
I tell you that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10…let us rejoice as well!

Let us stay faithful to God, but let us not get suckered into thinking that God owes us recognition for it….because He does not!

Rejoicing over you today,
Love you,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


There is a silent war that's raging deep within me
My lower nature fights to dominate.
My Spirit-man is poise and left in battle
With the carnal side of me I've grown to hate.
The trumpet of my prayers play towards heaven.
A voice of desperation in my cry;

Lord, strengthen me that I might not yield myself to sin
but keep Your righteous banner lifted high.
Lord, I hunger... for Holiness and I thirst for... Righteousness that's Yours -
That my mind would be cleansed and my spirit would be filled,
and this temple that You dwell in would be pure.

The tempter stalks about me as a lion.
Searching for the slightest sent of blood.
For when the skin of my resistance is broken,
he moves in swiftly to deepen the cut.

Oh Lord of creation hear your servant,
You understand the weaknesses of man,
I am now counting myself crucified with Christ,
alive in Him and dead indeed to sin!

This is a song (that I did not write but love) that I have often found myself singing ...whenever, I am stranded spiritually and alone! The funny thing about being stranded spiritually and feeling alone is's kinda like getting your car stuck in the mud. The car still runs (we are not alone), but the tires keep spinning (stranded). To get out of the rut, something must be done! We must get out of the car put something under the tire to give the tire friction and get out of the mud. In our lives we may need to find a Word to grab hold of, it might be a song we hear, a word of encouragement from someone...a Bible verse...whatever it may something about it! Don't stay there spinning your tires!

I love you and am praying for guidance and delivery from your rut... that you can break free!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Depression comes in many forms and it can drain you of your energy, hope, determination and willpower, making it difficult to do what you need to feel better. It is a widespread condition that affects millions of people every day. Those suffering from depression can experience intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, and a variety of other symptoms. They may begin to feel useless and even suicidal, losing interest in things and people that they once enjoyed. Depression is often triggered by life circumstances, such as a loss of job, death of a loved one, divorce, or psychological problems such as abuse or low self-esteem. While overcoming depression is not always easy to overcome, it can be attained. You must beat it through sheer persistence and determination to get better.

For the Christian we are told in the Bible that the life that Jesus died to give us is an abundant life. We know from God’s Word that the abundant life is reached through persistent searching, seeking and perusing God in everything that we do. When we fail to do this in any area of our life, we can succumb to depression that overcomes us and zaps us of the joy that we might once have had. The Bible also tells us to be filled with joy and praise in Phil 4:4 and Romans 15:11.
In order to overcome any type of depression we must make the conscious effort to not allow ourselves to become absorbed in ourselves, but to turn our efforts outward transferring our focus from ourselves to Christ and other people and other things. Most types of depression can be remedied through prayer, Bible study and application, support groups, fellowship among believers, confession, forgiveness, and counseling…but the person facing the depression must reach out and make the effort.

Some types of depression are physical and need to be diagnosed by a physician. It may not be cause by unfortunate life circumstances, nor can the symptoms be alleviated by a persons own effort. But they are real physical disorders that need to be treated with medication and counseling. God is able to cure any disease or disorder if it is His will. However, seeking the help of a doctor for depression is no different than seeing a doctor for an injury or any other type of illness. Although being depressed is not a sin, we are still accountable for the response to the affliction and that may include our willingness to get the proper help we need to overcome it.
Recovering from depression requires action. But taking action when you’re depressed is hard. In fact, just thinking about the things you should do to feel better, like spending time with friends, getting out of the house, or even going to Church can be exhausting and trying. However, a person can make huge dents in their depression with simple lifestyle changes: like exercising every day, avoiding the urge to isolate themselves, challenging the negative thoughts with positive ones, eating healthy food instead of the junk that our bodies can crave, and making time to get the rest and relaxation that our bodies must have to function properly.

The very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. However, isolation and loneliness make depression even worse, so maintaining your close relationships and social activities are important. Getting the support you need plays a big role in lifting the fog of depression and keeping it away. On your own, it can be difficult but with the help of God and others you can break through and beat it!

The thought of reaching out to even close family members and Your Church and friends can seem overwhelming. You may feel ashamed, too exhausted to talk, or guilty for neglecting the relationship. Remind yourself that this is the depression talking. Your loved ones and Church family care about you and want to help.

While you may feel like you can’t force yourself to have fun or experience any type of pleasure, you can choose to do things that you used to enjoy. Pick up a former hobby or a sport you used to like. Express yourself creatively through music, art, or writing. Go out with friends. Take a day trip to a museum, the mountains, or the ballpark. In order to overcome depression, you have to nurture yourself.

Push yourself to do things, even when you don’t feel like it. You might be surprised at how much better you feel once you’re out in the world. Even if your depression doesn’t lift immediately, you’ll gradually feel more upbeat and energetic as you make time for fun activities.

The key to recovering from depression is to start with a few small goals and slowly build from there. Draw upon whatever resources you may have. You may not have much energy, but you probably have enough to take a short walk around the block or pick up the phone to call a loved one. Take things one day at a time and reward yourself for each accomplishment. The steps may seem small at first, but you will see, they’ll quickly add up. And for all the effort you make in to your depression recovery, you’ll get back much more in return.

Feeling better takes time, but you can get there if you make those positive choices for yourself every day and draw from the support of others. I can not stress to the child of God enough…that being in the Word, fellowshipping with other believers, turning from sin and spiritual complacency, and finding ways to Praise God more… will make all the difference, if it is done with the right heart motives and desire to be persistent in drawing closer to God.

I myself have experienced deep depression and I can tell you that there is hope and help. But we must reach out for it. I have found from my own experience in the pit of depression that praise pulls me out every time! Praise always elevates the believer into the very presence of God; and there God’s power is released to free us from the clutches of darkness that depression operates in.

There are many examples in the Bible how to overcome our troubles, trial and tribulations…at one point Paul and Silas were unjustly arrested for casting a demon of divination out of a girl. The local authorities beat them and through them into jail… and in spite of their horrid conditions, they were heard praying and singing praises to God. How strange it must have sounded to the other prisoners who were use to only hearing groans and cursing from the beatings and mistreatment. Suddenly, an earthquake shook the entire prison! The doors flew open and to everyone’s amazement Paul and Silas’ chains were loosed as well as every other prisoner.

Paul and Silas knew the secret of lifting their burdens by lifting their hearts in praise to the One that could free them. Ps 22:3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. No form of Chains nor prison can stay in the presence of the Almighty God, their God! By praising God in their current situation, God provided a channel for His power to operate in their circumstance. Praise is merely the vehicle of our faith which brings us into the presence and power of God!
Taking your eyes off of your situation and putting them on God enables you to leave your depression and enter where peace abounds. So dear precious friend, make your mind up and strike out today, to pursue the presence of God and enjoy the peace that awaits you.

I love you and am praying for peace to overshadow all your sadness and disappointments today!

Psalm 34:17 says that the righteous cry, and the Lord hearth, and delivers them out of all their troubles. …

Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come (which means your current situation) shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is Christ Jesus our Lord.

Winning the battles that you face

 If you’re walking through a time of battle, feeling like you have been abandoned, soaking in fear and anxiety right now my friend, you may ...