Depression comes in many forms and it can drain you of your energy, hope, determination and willpower, making it difficult to do what you need to feel better. It is a widespread condition that affects millions of people every day. Those suffering from depression can experience intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, and a variety of other symptoms. They may begin to feel useless and even suicidal, losing interest in things and people that they once enjoyed. Depression is often triggered by life circumstances, such as a loss of job, death of a loved one, divorce, or psychological problems such as abuse or low self-esteem. While overcoming depression is not always easy to overcome, it can be attained. You must beat it through sheer persistence and determination to get better.
For the Christian we are told in the Bible that the life that Jesus died to give us is an abundant life. We know from God’s Word that the abundant life is reached through persistent searching, seeking and perusing God in everything that we do. When we fail to do this in any area of our life, we can succumb to depression that overcomes us and zaps us of the joy that we might once have had. The Bible also tells us to be filled with joy and praise in Phil 4:4 and Romans 15:11.
In order to overcome any type of depression we must make the conscious effort to not allow ourselves to become absorbed in ourselves, but to turn our efforts outward transferring our focus from ourselves to Christ and other people and other things. Most types of depression can be remedied through prayer, Bible study and application, support groups, fellowship among believers, confession, forgiveness, and counseling…but the person facing the depression must reach out and make the effort.
Some types of depression are physical and need to be diagnosed by a physician. It may not be cause by unfortunate life circumstances, nor can the symptoms be alleviated by a persons own effort. But they are real physical disorders that need to be treated with medication and counseling. God is able to cure any disease or disorder if it is His will. However, seeking the help of a doctor for depression is no different than seeing a doctor for an injury or any other type of illness. Although being depressed is not a sin, we are still accountable for the response to the affliction and that may include our willingness to get the proper help we need to overcome it.
Recovering from depression requires action. But taking action when you’re depressed is hard. In fact, just thinking about the things you should do to feel better, like spending time with friends, getting out of the house, or even going to Church can be exhausting and trying. However, a person can make huge dents in their depression with simple lifestyle changes: like exercising every day, avoiding the urge to isolate themselves, challenging the negative thoughts with positive ones, eating healthy food instead of the junk that our bodies can crave, and making time to get the rest and relaxation that our bodies must have to function properly.
The very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. However, isolation and loneliness make depression even worse, so maintaining your close relationships and social activities are important. Getting the support you need plays a big role in lifting the fog of depression and keeping it away. On your own, it can be difficult but with the help of God and others you can break through and beat it!
The thought of reaching out to even close family members and Your Church and friends can seem overwhelming. You may feel ashamed, too exhausted to talk, or guilty for neglecting the relationship. Remind yourself that this is the depression talking. Your loved ones and Church family care about you and want to help.
While you may feel like you can’t force yourself to have fun or experience any type of pleasure, you can choose to do things that you used to enjoy. Pick up a former hobby or a sport you used to like. Express yourself creatively through music, art, or writing. Go out with friends. Take a day trip to a museum, the mountains, or the ballpark. In order to overcome depression, you have to nurture yourself.
Push yourself to do things, even when you don’t feel like it. You might be surprised at how much better you feel once you’re out in the world. Even if your depression doesn’t lift immediately, you’ll gradually feel more upbeat and energetic as you make time for fun activities.
The key to recovering from depression is to start with a few small goals and slowly build from there. Draw upon whatever resources you may have. You may not have much energy, but you probably have enough to take a short walk around the block or pick up the phone to call a loved one. Take things one day at a time and reward yourself for each accomplishment. The steps may seem small at first, but you will see, they’ll quickly add up. And for all the effort you make in to your depression recovery, you’ll get back much more in return.
Feeling better takes time, but you can get there if you make those positive choices for yourself every day and draw from the support of others. I can not stress to the child of God enough…that being in the Word, fellowshipping with other believers, turning from sin and spiritual complacency, and finding ways to Praise God more… will make all the difference, if it is done with the right heart motives and desire to be persistent in drawing closer to God.
I myself have experienced deep depression and I can tell you that there is hope and help. But we must reach out for it. I have found from my own experience in the pit of depression that praise pulls me out every time! Praise always elevates the believer into the very presence of God; and there God’s power is released to free us from the clutches of darkness that depression operates in.
There are many examples in the Bible how to overcome our troubles, trial and tribulations…at one point Paul and Silas were unjustly arrested for casting a demon of divination out of a girl. The local authorities beat them and through them into jail… and in spite of their horrid conditions, they were heard praying and singing praises to God. How strange it must have sounded to the other prisoners who were use to only hearing groans and cursing from the beatings and mistreatment. Suddenly, an earthquake shook the entire prison! The doors flew open and to everyone’s amazement Paul and Silas’ chains were loosed as well as every other prisoner.
Paul and Silas knew the secret of lifting their burdens by lifting their hearts in praise to the One that could free them. Ps 22:3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. No form of Chains nor prison can stay in the presence of the Almighty God, their God! By praising God in their current situation, God provided a channel for His power to operate in their circumstance. Praise is merely the vehicle of our faith which brings us into the presence and power of God!
Taking your eyes off of your situation and putting them on God enables you to leave your depression and enter where peace abounds. So dear precious friend, make your mind up and strike out today, to pursue the presence of God and enjoy the peace that awaits you.
I love you and am praying for peace to overshadow all your sadness and disappointments today!
Psalm 34:17 says that the righteous cry, and the Lord hearth, and delivers them out of all their troubles. …
Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come (which means your current situation) shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is Christ Jesus our Lord.