Friday, July 16, 2010


Have you ever looked at a candle and how it burns? The more the light shines, the more the candle diminishes. What a beautiful illustration of the believer in Christ! The more we allow Christ to shine in and through us, the less of self in us is reflected to the world and the more noticeable the Christ in us gets bigger.

John the Baptist said the following of Jesus, "He must increase, I must decrease" (John 3:30).
John had been called to do a task. He did it too! But when Jesus showed up, John knew in His heart it was time for him to depart. He knew that he had done what was ask of him in his situation; and the time he had spent where he was had come to an end. He was the one that God would use to set the stage for the coming of Christ….the one who according to the old time prophets was crying in the wilderness… warning, telling, preparing folks for what was about to come after him…he did what he could do and God was about to move John to another level. John’s next level of course took him home to be with the Father. Jesus said of John that… “None among the sons of women had arisen who was greater than him”. Some think of John as being a little on the weird side…I mean he did eat wild honey and locusts and apparently did not care much for his attire… yet, he had more spiritual fervor in his little finger than most of us have in our entire lives. He was willing to take the risk…to follow his calling… to obey what He knew he should do… and wait until God was ready to take him to the next level.

Sometimes God will move you to another level. You may have done all you have been ask to do where you are. When He ask you to move on, don’t fret over it…..just go… because there is always something sweeter waiting your arrival of where He will be taking you. Jesus Himself said He had no place to lay His head…meaning; that He was not so wrapped up in this world or His current situation and the places that he stayed that He could not function in a life of constant change. While He was accepted by many, He was not understood my many more. His ways were not and are not our ways and when we begin to do things God’s way, others will not always understand. That is basically because people have a tendency to judge things from their own frame of reference: from their perspective and how they would do things.

I am finding myself being forced to another level in my own life. Will I go with Him or will I stay? It seems as though my life will never be a life of sediment…only current.

Did you know that Ocean waters are constantly on the move and how they move influences the climate and living conditions for plants and animals, even on land? Did you also know that the Gulf Stream current separates open-ocean water from coastal water and that organisms and plants move from one layer of sediment to another because of the current?

I was reading about that one day… as Charles and I were getting ready to take a much needed vacation to the Gulf Coast and as I was reading about the ocean I felt like the Lord sent a bolt of discernment into my heart and mind and said…you know what….that’s what I created you to be….a current. I tell you, it’s the most liberating thing to be set free by receiving direct confirmation from the Lord whenever we are seeking His wisdom in a situation. Every question that I had been dwelling on seem to disappear through the perfect understanding of why I am the way I am and why I do the things that I am compelled to do. As I look back upon the many years of my being a Christian and serving the Lord I can truly say that I have no regrets as to where I went and the reasons I went there. Because I am a current, I have no desire to be the sediment, the plants or the organisms, but simply the current that may possibly bring change no matter how small or how big the change or even if only to stir the sediment ….wherever God may direct my path to go. I have learned through the years that it is not how big God may use my life, but that He use my life period. However He chooses to, is up to Him….as long as He will use me.

I praise Him today for every trial, every pain, and every place that I have ever been and I am striving to allow them to bring me closer to Him and make me more pliable in His hands for His use.

If you are in place where God is wanting to take you to the next level, don’t be afraid to go…you may be the current or influences that someone else is needing to bring a change to their condition or simply to stir the things that have settled and need to be revived in their lives.

I love you and am praying for you today…let’s keep pressing on until He comes for us!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bren, yet again you have given me something to think about.

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