Wednesday, February 13, 2019


In one of the Psalms the psalmist writes, "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.“. Have you ever been rescued from a situation as grave as being stuck and unable to get out? If you have, then you can relate to what David is saying in Psalms 40:2. Actually David had been in many pits in his life as he struggled with his relationship with Saul, his royal position as King and his dysfunctional family. But, he also understood the freedom of being released from those pits that often times felt as though they were slowing consuming him. While David’s pits may not have been the kind of pits that you may find yourself in or an actual muddy pit; the feelings he had, were so strong that he felt that he could compare them to what it must be like to actually being in stuck in a pit, just about to sink. Whatever it was that David was feeling at the time, we know that his troubles seemed to be beyond even the greatest human effort that he had access to at that time and proved only to be futile in handling them himself.
Like sinking in quick sand, David found that the more he struggled over his situation the worse it became and the more his situation drew him deeper into the pit. In his writing David was trying to create and convey his deep understanding of what it is like to plunge down into despair and what can appear to be, an impossible situation. We know that many of the things that caused David to feel the way he did stemmed from the effects of opposition from others be it friend or foe, from a military defeat or simply the effect of wrong choices made during the course of his lifetime. Not really knowing the cause of his Psalms 40:2 pit is actually to our advantage though. Because without knowing what it was that made David feel that way, allows us a window of sympathy and compassion to know that while we have also gone through trying times, we are encouraged that we too can come out on the other side; freed, once the trouble passes.
Where is your place of absolute impossibility today sweet friend? In a relationship, a habit, a wrong choice or a relapse of a past sin or situation that you cannot seem to get over?  Is someone opposing you? You never meant it to become what it has become. At first it was harmless, nonthreatening, but now you are stuck in it and feel the mud and mire covering you with darkness and depression. You wish there was a way out! If so, may I tell you that those are the very things that God is best at! Pulling us up and rescuing us when we cannot rescue ourselves. However, for Him to get to us, we must move out of His way and allow Him to work the way He wants to in our lives and not in accordance to how we want to instruct Him to do. The secret to receiving His help is found in Psalm 40:1 and says, “I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry”. You see the problem is that God knows that we need Him; we are the ones that need to learn that concept and learning comes so many times through trials and tribulations, pain and even heartbreak. If God places you in an impossible situation, He has a divine plan for your rescue. But you must call on Him, and wait for Him to show up and know this: He is never too late for those that cry out to Him with the right heart attitude. So, remember, when you cannot see a way out, look to Him, He has the tools needed to get you to safety.

Hold Fast,

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Father's Love For Us

So very often we tend to expect too little from God. We tend to imagine that He's too angry with us from our past failures or that He does not bother with us, if we do not bother with Him. That's not the God of the Bible, and that's certainly not how Jesus works in our lives. Jesus continually reaches out to people, yes, even people who mess up and need another chance. When ask how many times we should forgive others, Jesus replied seven times seven and that, is how He forgives us! You must start seeing God realistically. By that I mean, by seeing Him mending your hurts and disappointment. Seeing Him running out to meet you, to give you that other chance, just like the father of the prodigal son did. The more we view Him as He really is, the more we can trust Him with what we give Him. Because the most loving, powerful Creator of the universe wants to forgive, heal and restore you and me. Just think, if God can create a world and place it the arms of a universe, don’t you think that He has the power and creativity to meet your needs and minister love and compassion in your life where it is needed?. His word tells us that He holds us in the palms of His hands. What better place to be? There is no sin that God cannot forgive. There are many accounts in the Bible where God gave people other chances to do better. The devil not only wants to break the one who seeks forgiveness, he also wants to hurt God’s Son by using our wrongdoing to accuse us before the Father. Just like those teachers of the law trying to use the women’s sin as a trap to accuse Jesus in John 8. satan hates that God can forgive sin. He hates the fact that God even wants to forgive sin period. You see satan loves sin and sin is what separates God from man. That is why God went to all the trouble that He did, to reconcile those that could not reconcile themselves to Him. For He knows that we are but dust and wants to help us! Satan is unrelenting in his attempts to shame you, strip and dishonor you in order to challenge God's work in your lives. He wants you to believe that because of the life you have been living, you aren’t worthy for the Kingdom of God. He wants you to give up and throw your spiritual towel in. He wants you to think that God can’t use you anymore. But sweet friend, when you are feeling down and unworthy, remember all those God used in the past. Moses was a murderer; David slept with another man’s wife and had him killed so he could be with her. Abraham lied about Sarah being his wife, Peter betrayed his good friend, the Son of God, and the list could go on, yet as they became broken before God, they became mighty instruments for His Kingdom. Even the story of Jonah wasn’t about a fish. It was about the God of the another chance. Think of it this way; life is like a football game and until it is over you have many opportunities to get into the game and make a difference. Psalm 103:9-13 says it best. "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;".
Hold Fast,


Winning the battles that you face

 If you’re walking through a time of battle, feeling like you have been abandoned, soaking in fear and anxiety right now my friend, you may ...