Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Christmas day has finally come and gone. The tree, though still up, lacks its Holiday luster. The loneliness for many will now set in. The left over mixed emotions begin to cloud our vision and seem to collide with the disappointments of the much wanted gifts, that we did not receive or the special someone that did not show up. We tell ourselves that next year will be better, as we stare at the crumpled up bits of Christmas paper on the floor that now resembles confetti. The living room that just a few days before, looked like a festive and elegant Target commercial, now looks like a circus that just finished the last show and pulled out of town, leaving a trail of debris down the halls and into the kid’s bedrooms. We begin that dreaded questioner that we force ourselves every year to take as we review our Holiday. Was it the best day of the year, or did it turn out to be the worst? Did we find the true spirit of Christmas or did we allow the disappointments to over shadow the things that could of brought us the joy that was intended, had our focus been on what it should have been on. Was this how the shepherds felt, after the angels ceased their singing and they returned to their flocks in the fields? Did they experience the same let down? Wonder what the magi felt, when they began the long trip back home as Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt as they were warned to do? Did they wonder, like we do? Did they question like we do, “was this it”? Everything that we had been waiting for and this is it? A baby in a manger? A gift card from a family member along with a food hangover for eating way too much! May I tell you from experience sweet friend that every glory fades, when it is misplaced, in the wrong thought or idea. Disappointment is nothing more that the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of our hopes or expectations. You didn’t get the job you wanted, Someone you love let you down. Your Christmas did not turn out the way you had hoped. Whatever the circumstances, it didn’t turn out how you expected, and now you’re disappointed.

Disappointment can hover over us bringing about a very grey perspective upon our situation and if you don’t know what your core values are, you may not have a framework to support you when you experience negative emotions that cause the dreaded, Eeyore syndrome. If you stop and think about it, the Bible is full of disappointed people. John, Moses, David, Jacob, Hannah, Mary and Martha, just to mention a few. Even Jesus experienced disappointment on many levels during His life as people refused to heed the Good News that He was bringing. His heart panged as His disciples and closet friends didn’t understand or believe. Nor, as He encountered the ritualistic mindsets of the religious Pharisees. The good thing though, was that many of those biblical characters overcame their disappointments and were able to accomplish what the devil meant by using their disappointments against them to bring about good in their lives. We too will face disappointment again and again in our lives, but how we respond to it should change over time. We should find ourselves staying away from the emotional roller coasters every time we don’t get what we want or what we expected in our circumstances. It should become less about what we desire and more about what God desires for us. As Jesus prayed when He asked God to spare Him the suffering that He knew He would face on the cross, "yet not my will, but yours be done" Luke 22:42. This is the great lesson that we must learn from Him. When something bad happens in our life, it’s not a time to blame God, but a time to run to Him and remember that God didn’t disappoint us, but that life’s circumstances and people disappointed us. Always remember to fight your disappointments with truth and not with pity and gloom as you go into your new year!

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Being hasty in our conversations with others, failure to restrain from assumptions and words that we want to say, anger that flairs up when we get our feelings hurt and not being on our guard spiritually can do more damage in relationships than any other thing. When our moments become moments that are all about us moments and we fail to see the real issues, we are missing out on opportunities to be Christ to others. But, when we model the Lord’s behaviors, we become more loving, more willing to sacrifice our rights, seeing a little more of how God may be looking at the situation and we can be a great blessing to others, instead of what they may perceive as being a thorn. Letting go of those moments of control, judgement, haste, and pride brings us closer to God and it is then when we become all things in able to win them. I know that the Lord is committed to me, so I need to commit to Him. I want to have a teachable spirit and be willing to accept His correction, or discipline. Yes, God disciplines me! He disciplines you too if you belong to Him. His discipline may hurt, but it is not harsh, nor does it scar or tear down. His discipline corrects, reveals and builds us up and moves us into the direction of better actions if we choose to summit to it. Learning how we speak to one another is not a onetime process. It is continual.  We all possess the opportunities of producing a harvest with our words. But in order to produce a transforming harvest with our words we need to be ever cautious to bless, lift up, show love and build positive and loving relationships, not tear down. 

That thing that causes friction, conflicts, even fights and quarrels between yourself and someone you may care about is found in James 4:1-3, it says, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it…. .” God’s Word teaches us that conflicts in us come from the wrong desires that battle within our hearts and is the result of our sinful nature. Sin in us is always lurking to threaten our happiness and our fellowship with one another. The enemy uses everything and every opportunity he can to cause our focus to be misplaced, because he knows when that happens, even the smallest of things can escalate. Once we give in to our sinful nature, God is ignored and we take matters into our own hands. It is with great effort that we must train our minds to be set on God for those moments and what He has instructed us to do in those situations. Sometimes, what we think are good desires, can be escalated to reach a sinful retaliation, if our thoughts and ways are not His and we do not deal with our emotions and feelings by making the choice to put them to death in us. When something is dead, it has no voice, no feeling, no emotion, and no response. Truth becomes concealed as if we did not know it or worse, it becomes twisted. Our listening shuts down and we are not understood, nor do we understand the other person, thus the conflict.

When my daughters were little, I found myself constantly picking up and cleaning up messes that they made. There were times that I thought, they would never learn to stop making messes. As they got older and I continued training them and working with them to be more aware and thoughtful about making messes, the less they made.

This is how God deals with His own children. As His children grow in His grace and knowledge from the point of their new birth, they struggle trying to do the right thing. Like small children, they make messes in their lives. Those messes often times even affect others as well. Yet, as they grow in truth, desiring to do better, they begin to make less messes and they learn how to clean up the messes that they make by responding in the right way. Sometimes that may mean to seek forgiveness or forgive others that might have made a mess and it affected you as well. Forgiveness is a direct command and mandate from God to His Children. It is something extremely special which we are given, and something precious we are to replicate to others. It is not easy. It requires the practice of maturity, the patience to allow the process to unfold, and the tact to endure it and remember this, obedience is worth the sacrifice. Whether we realize it or not, being hurt is the place where bitterness takes root in a fertile heart, that is fallow for planting. So, be sure to sow the right seeds for a godly harvest and not bitter ones.

Loving on you today sweet friend,

Thursday, August 31, 2017


Do you see yourself as limited in some way? Do you think of yourself as being less than what you think you should be? If so sweet friend, may I remind you to pause a moment and know that your negative attitude will quickly change when you begin to see yourself in the light of how God sees you. Though sin certainly stains and tarnishes our life in many ways, God sees us the way that you and I were created to be and not defined by our events, wrong choices and circumstances. He knows that we are all sinners and fall short because the scriptures tell us in Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. He did not wait for us to repent of sin, get perfect or do anything at all to love us, He just loved us. Even while we are at our worse, He died for us because he loves us that much.  When He looks at us, He see the potential that He created in us to have.

Now with that being said, it is up to us to make the effort towards reaching that potential, but even in our frailties and weakness, God sees in us the best that we “can be”, when surrendered to His will. His, very word encourages us to renew our minds to His way of thinking and that we put on the new man, which is the new nature that God places in us, as we turn to Christ in repentance for salvation. For it is that new nature in us that seeks to be like God in true righteousness and holiness according to Ephesians 4:23-24. It is the new nature that allows us to see things as God sees them. The Bible says that our ways and our thoughts are not His. But once we receive that new man or new nature that comes from God, the dimness of how we see ourselves becomes ever so clear to us and we become humbled and grateful to God for His deep and caring love. Since God’s love for us is so immeasurable, we need never to feel alone, unloved or unimportant, even in our darkest moments. For it is in those times that God is trying to turn our attention to Him. Once we surrender our all to Him, how we view ourselves and others will change and a sweet peace and joy will replace those negative feelings that the old sinful nature in us is fighting to have its way. “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10

Loving on you today,


Anyone can have a side to them in their nature, to be slothful and uncaring about things other than what effect their small world and environment. As long as they are doing what pleases them, they care not how the rest of the world is effected by their unconcern and laziness. Laziness stems from one thing; attitude. To conquer it we must learn to actively make it pursue God’s will. Some people struggle with too much free time, while others struggle with no or little to no free time, at all. Those that suffer with too much are those that Proverbs is talking about in Proverbs 24:30-32, when Solomon spoke these words,  "I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction."  the character of the caretaker represent a spirit of selfishness, laziness and mismanagement. These folks are happiest when they are not bothered with anyone or anything, nor are they held accountable to the point where they must do something. The sad thing about laziness, is that it robs us of blessings and relationships and affects others in a negative way. The book of Proverbs paints a contrast between the lazy individual and the diligent one. The lazy person does not get out and work but rather lies around the home. He is pictured in Proverbs 6:10 as one who sleeps when he ought to be working. He is admonished in those verses to learn from the diligent ant. One example of a diligent person is found in Proverbs 31, “She is a woman that found balance for her life and was blessed for it.” In Gal. 5:1 we are reminded to stand fast in our liberty where Christ has made us free, to choose and not be entangled again to the yoke of bondage. Self-discipline is essential to walking in obedience. As we practice self-discipline and begin to abide in what we know, the Spirit of God in us, produces the fruit in us that others will see and desire as well.
You see, that is really what our jobs are as God’s Children; to reflect Him to others. Making a practice of examining ourselves will aid us in becoming better managers of our lives over all. We need to evaluate ourselves to see what areas that we are lacking in and focus on those to bring them under our subjection as Paul said he did in I Cor. 9:27. On one occasion, King Solomon escaped from the forms of court and took a drive through the countryside unknown. He came upon a site that troubled him. As he looked over the broken wall of a little estate which belonged to a farmer in his country he began to ponder what he saw. This estate consisted of a piece of ploughed land and a vineyard. One glance showed him that it was owned by a sluggard, who neglected it, for the weeds had grown right plentifully and covered all the face of the ground. From this Solomon gathered instruction. Charles Spurgeon said of Solomon’s finding, “To a spiritual mind nettles have their use, and weeds have their doctrine. Are not all thorns and thistles meant to be teachers to sinful men? Are they not brought forth of the earth on purpose that they may show us what sin has done, and the kind of produce that will come when we sow the seed of rebellion against God?
I was reminded of these words as I saw a sign on the roadside that says, “If You Litter Shame On Ya’ll Up To $250 Fine” placed there as a reminder to us all, that we are held to a higher standard that what we may have for ourselves. Whether by the Holy Scriptures or by the local officials we cannot just live and do as we want because our actions effect the lives of other people. It is a reminder that we are not islands to ourselves. While people who trash the roads, streets, highways and neighborhoods may care nothing for how it effects anyone else, it is against the law and shows their lack of self-discipline, laziness and responsibility, not to mention that they are lawbreakers by cleaning out their cars as they are driving down the road. They care not that the trash that they are dumping into a neighborhood attracts rodents, roaches, parasites and mosquitoes which in turn spreads diseases and causes a shameful and detestable site to have to look at. Life is full of life-lessons if we would only learn from them as Proverbs 24:30-32 speaks about. We should be ashamed when we do not hold ourselves to a higher standard and make better choices in how we live and teach our children to live by our example. How we treat our roads and neighborhoods is only one way that we show we care for something other than ourselves and our respect for the law. How we respect the law shows others, how we respect the Creator and how we treat His laws as well. Lord, help us not to shame ourselves or You by being lawbreakers.


Hold Fast,


Desperate for God

How desperate for God are you? You may feel as though you have it all together spiritually and see no further need to know more about Him and if so, you are wrong. We are all sinfully desperate for God, all  the time! When we seek after God and He reveals truth to us through His Word, (which is His main line of communication to us) the revelation does not lead us to an encounter with Him, but the revelation itself is an encounter with God. As He is revealing truth to us, at that very moment, we are sitting directly in His presence as we are confronted with His Truth. God uses His Word to lead us into all truth and being in that truth is being in the very presence of the living God. Have you ever been in His presence? Are you wanting God to speak to you? If so, then you must make every effort that you can, to be in His Word. For apart from His Word, you will never know His presence. Can God speak to you apart from His written Word? You better believe He can! But He teaches us to seek Him through His Word. In seeking Him there, you will find His presence. If you have been born again, then the very Spirit of God dwells in you and will lead you to His Word, where you will find Him. There you will see everything that will ever touch your life, in light of His truth. The Holy Spirit will make the will of God known to you through His Word and when He does, you must take that truth and immediately adjust your life to it. Your faith is the vehicle that will lead you to encountering God, for without faith, it is impossible to please Him. It is not a concept, precept or philosophy, but a Person that you are adjusting your life to. It is the very person of God Himself, that you are making your adjustments to. Everything else, God’s precepts, His concepts, His philosophy…every need you have and everything about Him, is all wrapped up and found in His “Person”, and that my friend is what and whom you should be seeking, the very “Person of God Himself”. Jesus set the example for us, when He said, in John 14:31, “The world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what the Father has commanded Me.”  Jesus demonstrated His love for God by His obedience and don’t think for a minute that God will not, nor does not expect anything different from us. The reward for loving God by our obedience is that He will show Himself to us. If today sweet friend, you have never encountered God, begin now to seek Him with your whole heart, He will not turn you away, if you are sincere. Seek Him and don’t give up until you find Him. If you know Him, yet feel far away from the relationship that you once had with Him, He is still there, it was not Him who moved away. Begin now to pray for restoration, and get back into His Word and as you do earnestly, you will begin to rekindle the flame of enthusiasm that you once had and as you do, the darkness from your turning away will be diminished and the light will grow stronger and you will begin to see more clearer upon spiritual matters once again! Be Strong, Keep the Faith and never, ever give up!

Hold Fast,


Wrong decisions and regret can become your roommates, if you let them. But, if you do, remember this about them. They can lord over, control your self-worth and can send downpours of self-condemnation on you if allowed to rest in the form of depression and regret. They seem to reach through time and space and in doing so, there seems to always be negative consequences that follow them. When a person ignores the signals or warnings in their own heart and makes a bad decision or wrong choice, it will always generate a certain amount of consequence that consist of some type of misery or disappointment and that is guaranteed. It is simply only a matter of when it comes, and how much. The effects of bad or wrong decisions may consists of an individual compromise of themselves, they are not getting what they want, they have to learn lessons the hard way, they feel that they have already blown it and it’s too late to turn back now, or they may have to go back and cleanup a past mess. But the most insidious and damaging effect is the feeling of having wasted a part of their life. At that point a person can feel hopeless and defeated as if there is no turning back. But friend may I tell you that there is hope. Your future is not governed by your past. By that I mean that no matter what your past has been, through forgiveness and repentance from those wrong choices you can change your situation by changing your way of looking at them. Once you honestly commit to changing, you have already begun the process. We humans are so prone to failure, yet in God’s eyes failure need never be final. God’s Word is full of examples of men and women making wrong choices, failing themselves as well as God. Yet most every time it was right there in the middle of the “learning from those mistakes” process, that they found God, and for those that knew Him already, they knew Him deeper after they had walked through the lessons that they were forced to learn, from those mistakes. Once we let go and let God be and do in our lives as He pleases, we need not try and fix something, but simply by our letting go of it and trusting God for the outcome, our situation changes and our future becomes brighter, outwardly and internally. Make it your point today, to start over!

Hold Fast,

Responding To Offenses

As I have grown in my spiritual walk with Christ through the years, I have noticed some distinct changes in my life, my attitude and even in my responses to others as I have felt the painful hand of hurt and offense, touch my heart. When I choose the road less traveled and embrace the reality of my situations and think about them in terms of how God may be looking at them and not what my mind churns up about them, I am relieved from the pressure of having to have an answer concerning them. I am learning, that my only response in any matter, is to show the love of God and trust Him in things that I do not understand, knowing that in due time, He will reveal to me what I need to know and understand. Every offense against me, can be used as an opportunity to reflect the Character of the one that lives inside me, if I will only change my perspective. One day a young nurse was complaining to her pastor that she had been offended by some patients, “Thank God for that” her preacher replied, in which the young woman said, “What do you mean by that, preacher?”, “Why, if you were carrying a vase and someone bumped into you, that which is inside the vase could possibly spill out on them”, he said, and “As we go through life and people bump into us, we have the opportunity to spill out the Lord Jesus on them” he concluded. You see, we have the choice when we are offended to spill out anger, bitterness, jealousy and revenge, or broken and contrite hearts. This is how God’s Character inside His children spills out into the world. We may never be called to suffer an agonizing death for our faith. But any time that we quench the fleshly nature in us that is constantly warring to show it’s ugly face, by yielding to that which compels us to do the right thing, then we are denying the flesh it’s gratification of glory, thereby, bringing honor to the One who deserves it.  When we allow our perspective to reflect or mirror the embodiment of Christ in us, then any suffering that we may undergo will be worth it. Think of how the world would be, if we would walk more cautiously in trying to eliminate our critical attitude’s that repels others away from us ,when we respond to them in a wrong way, no matter what they have heaped on us. Proverbs 19:11 tells us that, “A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.”  Godly wisdom helps us to have tolerance for the person who has offended us and gives us patience to find God’s plan to restore the situation. God always has a plan of restoration.  Sometimes we just need the patience to believe it will happen. Will you today sweet friend, face your trial that you may be going through with an attitude of good cheer, humility and a godly patience with the one who has wronged you and above all else, have the faith that God will honor you by your seeing things from His perspective and not your fleshly way of responding to a bad event. Matthew 7:5 tells us to first, remove the beam from our own eye, then we can see clear enough to help remove our brother’s speck and that part about removing the beam from my own eye in order to see the situation clearly, gets me every time. I can only see clearly, when I remove that which is causing me not to see the situation clearly. Most of the time, we must detach ourselves from the initial or onset of our  offense and step back to see the situation more clearly. How you respond to your offenses will reflect the strength of your walk, in Jesus!


Hold Fast,

Friday, June 16, 2017


Jeremiah was not an eloquent speaker nor was he a great preacher when God first chose him. God did not choose him because he was intelligent or mighty in any way. But Jeremiah was a man that trusted God in all matters, Jer. 10:23. He would not have been the man for the job, had God been seeking a superstar. For God wanted someone who was teachable, who was moldable to His will and was willing to be devoted to the task that God would require of him. That was the man Jeremiah and because of that trust, he took an unwanted message to a people that was rebellious and backslidden from the God they claimed to know. Because of that message, Jeremiah faced peril upon peril as he was mocked by his own people, Jer. 20:7, he faced death in verse 26, he was beaten and put in jail in 20:2 and again in 37:15, and was accused of derision in 38:4 and wanted him put to death because of it, those are only to name a few. The people of Jeremiah's time believed that they were invincible and somehow, had a free ticket with God because they were Jews. Most had no moral sense of faith, they thought that it was enough to only perform strict ceremonial acts as part of God's Law and attend temple. Their religion was external, material, and ceremonial. While Israel's spiritual status was bathed in a false security, Jeremiah knew the truth. To Jeremiah, righteousness started internally, it was spiritual, and based upon a personal relationship with God. Israel had become spiritually rotten to the core and God assigned Jeremiah the task of telling them so. Jeremiah's prayer life was the source of his strength that enabled him to keep preaching the truth in the face of fierce opposition from the very ones that he was trying to reach with the message God had given him to share. To face the fire of people's anger and the icy cold shoulders of their rejection. Clinging to the Lord, even the hardest of times, allowed God to create perseverance in Jeremiah. Jeremiah's prayers and perseverance indicate an undying love for his fellow brothers, of which was never understood by his contemporaries. What made Jeremiah a great preacher was his prayer life, his tenacity and perseverance, and his burden for those whom he was called to go to. Although Jeremiah was often treated unjustly by those about him, the consequence of sin on his fellow countrymen led him to pray fervently many times on their behalf. Chapter fourteen is devoted totally to his intercession on their behalf as he confessed sins and begged God for mercy on them.
Jeremiah developed a close personal relationship with God from the very beginning. He had such a dependency upon God that he never concealed any thought from Him. His first recorded words to God were, "I do not know how to speak, because I am a youth" 1:6. Jeremiah had thought he had limitations at first. But God proved to him that it was not his ability that God sought, but his obedience. While Jeremiah had praises for God, as found in 17:4 and other places throughout his writings, he was not always filled with praises. Oftentimes he complained. When a plot was revealed that some men planned to take his life, he went to God and asked, "Why does this happen? How can You let it happen?" in chapter 12. While Jeremiah was devoted to the welfare of his friends, family and countrymen, he had a burning desire according to chapter 20:8b-9  into telling them the painful truth about themselves, causing them to lash out at him. He complained, "I have not done anything to anyone, yet everyone curses me. Woe is me!" in chapter 15:10. The apparent frustrations over his fellow countrymen led Jeremiah to pray to God for justice in return for the injustice he had received. Some of his prayers contained hurls of imprecations concerning how he was treated, that give the readers a special insight into the extreme frustration and mental anguish he endured. From praises to curses, Jeremiah held nothing from the Lord, and the Lord sustained and strengthened him. When He felt God's awe and wonder, he praised Him. When he was persecuted and suffering, Jeremiah reminded God of his own faithfulness and asked for justice. Whether it was praise, complaint, or a call for judgment, Jeremiah's open and honest prayer life reveals the inward struggles that he endured with God’s help on a daily basis. Unless Jeremiah had worked to sustain his relationship with God through prayer, he would have never persevered. Like Jeremiah, may our hearts prayer be to have and contain the burden for others that God may be placing on our hearts or some other task and that we may be able to say, “So the word of the LORD has brought me insult and reproach all day long. But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. Jer. 20:8b-9

The book of Jeremiah was the final prophecies that God sent to His precious Judah, a wayward and rebellious children. He told the prophet Jeremiah to go and take warning of the oncoming destruction, if the nation did not turn and repent. Jeremiah called out for God’s people to turn back to Him, as he recognized the inevitability of Judah’s destruction, due to their unrepentant idolatry and immoral hearts. Their hearts had become so hard against the truth, that they refused to neither recognize, nor see the warnings as real and forthcoming. Instead, they lay blame on Jeremiah…it was just easier that way, for his message fell on deaf ears and it was unwanted. As Jeremiah sought to do the right thing, it seemed as though no one was happy with him. When he rebuked Judah, they thought of him as a trouble maker, one who provoked dispute and caused conflict within the land and the people. He felt condemned if he did tell the people the truth and he felt condemned if he didn’t. I have felt that way myself, many times and can assure you that as you walk with God, you too will find the same discouragement as did Jeremiah; as it often goes with the call of being used of God and can often times leave you feeling despondent and pitted against the very ones that you are trying to help. The Lord responded to Jeremiah’s discouragement assuring him that he would care for him in those times of loneliness, misunderstandings and isolation from those that were cursing him for what he was doing. God told Jeremiah that He would rescue and deliver His people from their sin, redeeming them and liberating them from their bondage if they would simply, turn back to Him. While like Jeremiah, you too may face those spiritual dry patches where no matter how much you serve, how much you give and how much you do, you sometimes will succumb to discouragement, and like Jeremiah felt, you too may wonder why it is, that the very ones that you are trying to reach with truth appear to be an enemy, having no problems with how they are living or what they are doing. You must remember one thing….your job is not to bring the change, but simply to bring the message, seasoned in love and humility. We are servants of the Most High, and it is our job to speak the truth in love, and moreover, not to grow weary in our doing so. There have been saints and scoundrels all through history. The saints have understood some important things about what God’s Word teaches us and how we are to live if we are children of God. Scoundrels never seem to grasp those truths and laugh and mock at them, as though they were silly fables. If we know what to do in certain situations; then those truths can motivate us to resist the temptations that threaten to lure us off the high road and succumb to the low one.

Hold Fast,

Friday, June 2, 2017


There are times in my life when I feel the wear and tear of my body as it is being depleted of energy, when my emotional, spiritual and physical resources are drying up and I begin to run on empty. I think most people can relate to feeling that way as well, at times. All around us, people are living lives on empty. They have nothing to fill them; no purpose, no drive, they’re just running on fumes. Have you ever been in a car that’s running on empty and were totally unaware that it appeared to be running on the gas fumes because the gauge showed it as empty? Have you ever found yourself pushing it to the limit, to try and make it to the next exit, while saying to yourself the whole time, “why didn’t I stop and get gas when there was an opportunity to do so?”. How about running out of gas on a hill? When that happens you find yourself going backwards and there is nothing that you can do but apply the brakes and cost to safety on a prayer.
Lately the Lord has been reminding me to be, Mary, and I am not talking about the kind of merry that is attached to being happy. I mean, making a direct purpose to pause and sit at the feet of the Master as Mary did, allowing His word to wash over me, cleansing me from all the things that beset me and take over my attentions by distracting me away from my time with the Lord. No one is going to make me bath spiritually on a regular diet of His Word. I must do it for myself. I must set aside the time needed to seek truth for myself and bath in it, to refresh myself from the daily grind of life and you must do the same for yourself as well my friend. We all must choose for ourselves, to stop and fill up, when all the urgent things around us tell us we don't have time. For some of us, our gas needle reminds us of how often we approached life, our physical engines knocking, hands on the steering wheel of our lives sweating, blood pressure rising in our body’s radiator, only to succumb to a blow up or blow out, and in either case it’s not good.
Recently, I found myself in one of these situations. My emotional storehouse was depleted. My spiritual bank account was being drained, to which I could barely even feel a spiritual pulse. I had nothing to draw from and was just about to blow. Things were getting done but I was emotionally and spiritually, exhausted. Mentally, I was wanting to just shut down, when a ray of light shined through as I opened up God’s word only to be reminded, that which Jesus said to Peter, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean…” John 13:10.  You see while I may have been getting bites here and there in God’s Word with my devotions, I had not allowed the Word to wash over me. I know this because when a situation arose that flustered me, my attitude triggered by the condition of my heart revealed that while I may have been getting bites here and there from God’s Word, it was not soaking in, to the dry parts of my heart, or I would have responded in a different way to my frustrations.
Here I was trying to wash other’s feet and serve them and I needed it myself. In John 13, Jesus rose from the dinner table during the meal, girded himself with a towel in a manner similar to the way in which a servant would gird himself as he sought to do a menial task, walked over to Peter, bent down and started washing Peter’s dirty feet. It was common at that time for people to wash their feet before dinner, as feet in sandals would often get dusty on unpaved roads. While it was customary hospitality for hosts in Jesus’ day to make provision for guests to wash themselves or, as a sign of honor and respect, to even provide a servant to wash the guests’ feet, it was certainly outrageous for the host himself to engage in the washing of his guests. So in a cultural sense what Jesus was doing, was truly radical. At the time Peter did not understand the deep significance of what was happing at that moment, but as Jesus was explaining to him, it began to soak in and Peter thought that maybe he needed a good washing all over, which Jesus explained that he did not.
As a believer in the truest sense of the word, I am washed in the cleansing blood of the Lamb. I no longer need a spiritual bath. But, I do need to dust off the dirt that attaches itself to me as I live out my daily life on this earth where strife and sin still abound. It is because of this struggle with sin, that I must remember, that the burden falls on me alone, to take responsibility for investing in myself to keep my feet washed. I must do what is necessary for replenishing my energy, make rights wrong, tend to the upkeep of my soul according to Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." I must go myself, in order to re-direct my emotions and to achieve control over all these unwanted feelings that seemed to bubble up from time to time in those murky depths of my weary heart. Life is not an idealized parade of lovely attitudes and well-balanced ministry and family. With time and experience, we can learn to prioritize and master the art of keeping our feet washed by sitting at the master’s feet, so not to become completely depleted, overextend physically, emotionally and spiritually; during those times where we give, work and serve until we find that we are running on empty.
Hold Fast,

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Encouragement For The Servant

All too often through the years I have seen many fellow brothers and sisters struggle in their service to the Lord as they work, serve and give of themselves to do their part in furthering the kingdom of God in their families, their Church and their community where God had placed them. Their struggles were real and often times their discouragement came not in the work that they were doing, but in the lack of encouragement they received to keep up the good work. Sometimes as Leaders we fail to give proper encouragement to those who serve under us because we ourselves may be discouraged or busy. While pastors and staff face their own difficulties, those that are lay-workers fight the same battle. Why! Because they serve the same God and battle the same enemy.  If today sweet friend you are facing discouragement in the task that God has called you to do, please allow me to love on you and minister the word of God into your life, even down into the very spiritual marrow of where the weariness has welled up in you. Everyone needs inspiration and biblical reinforcement for what they do. Whether you are an employee of the church or simply a worker who volunteers your service as an act of obedience to your own personal calling, you need to be encouraged regularly, by being reminded that your good work, is worth the effort and struggle and to keep on persevering until your work has been completed and God calls you home or removes you from your current position to another one, so that He may increase and you may decrease there.

Perseverance seems to be an outdated concept in our day of instant everything. If it doesn’t come easy, why pursue it? If it’s hard or requires endurance, you can quickly succumb to the feeling of "maybe it’s not for you after all" and begin to look for something that requires less commitment. This reminds me of the story of Thomas Edison, as he tried again and again to find the right filament for his incandescent electric light bulb. One day he had completed his 10,000th experiment only to discover another way that would not work. When he arrived home that night, he shared with his wife about all the efforts he had made but had still not seen the outcome of his dream. She questioned his commitment by saying,  “Aren’t you pretty discouraged, Tom?”.  “Discouraged?” responded Edison. “Certainly not! I now know 10,000 ways that won’t work!” Edison learned a unique way of looking at his disappointments and how to turn them into hope. There is another man that learned to do the same thing, but he also learned how to encourage others who were doing the same work as he was, in rebuilding the temple of God. Haggai understood weariness and discouragement. But he learned how to encourage God’s people and his fellow co-laborers in the work that God had required them to do. He knew that the work required lifting each other up in order to see them through the great task that was ahead of them.

Starting something and seeing it through to the finish is a daunting job that requires tenacity and perseverance. It is always easy to start something, like a new diet. But it’s tough to stick with it when you crave those salty chips and dip at the local Mexican restaurant. It’s easy to start a new exercise program, but it becomes tough to persevere when your muscles are aching for you to stop. Getting married is easy. But it’s tough to hang in there and work through problems through the years. It’s easy to begin a new ministry. But, it’s tough to keep on when problems arise or when the results don’t match your initial expectations. Can you relate? Well, that describes the people in Haggai’s day as they began work on rebuilding the temple. The foundation had been laid about 15 years before, but the project had been just sitting on the shelf waiting to be finished. Then one day, in response to Haggai’s message from the Lord, as he shared with the leaders and those who would do the work, the temple began to take shape once again and things were looking up! Haggai delivered his second message to them in Haggai 2:1-9. By this point, God’s people were getting tired and weary. His second message to them came as a message of God’s encouragement to a group of discouraged leaders and workers.

Haggai knew that his job at that point was to encourage those that God had given him to do the work by reminding them that their work and efforts were not in vain but a good thing. Haggai 2:1-3 reminds us that, the Lord did not gloss over or ignore the reality of the situation. He knew what they were thinking and feeling, and He brings it up to show them that He understood and that He cared for them. To be a great leader over God’s workman, it is part of our job to encourage them in their work and to insure they have what they need to complete the task that God has called them to do. Leaders not only lead by their examples, they become cheerleaders for the ones that they are over.  You see in Haggai’s day God’s people had loss their initial excitement and their work was taking its toll on their efforts. They were in need of a cheerleader and Haggai was up to the task God had given him as the leader of his people. There is always a certain sense of excitement when you begin a new ministry or project. But the glow can easily rub off in the grind, if we are not mindful and aware that it can happen. There were probably piles of rubble that needed to be removed. Perhaps some of the workers had envisioned putting the finishing touches on the work and accomplishments that had been made when they realized that there was some rubble that still needed hauling. Their initial enthusiasm was already wearing thin because everyone had been putting out work but not taking in the spiritual nourishment needed to maintain the longevity needed to complete the work and then God showed up for them through Haggai.

The time will always come, when the glamour of the newness wears off and you are left with only a memory of what you know God has called you to do. There are many things that can happen during the work that can discourage you and delays are one of them. Work for the Lord seldom moves as quickly as we hope it will and we must learn to adjust to those conditions. Outside opposition and criticism can discourage us and they too will come at some point just as they did to the servants in Haggai’s day. In verse 5, the Lord says, “Do not fear!” He would not have said that, unless they felt they had a reason to be afraid. Probably the same men who had threatened them and lobbied against them at the Persian court 15 years earlier, was at it again. Any time you attempt to do God’s work, satan will stir up opposition. We’re in a battle with the forces of darkness that are opposed to the church of Jesus Christ. So expect opposition! God is looking for the glory of Christ formed in the hearts of His people, not for the outward, superficial signs of success. He is in charge of all success. All we have to do is focus on the call and how we are responding to it. The enemy loves it when we listen to his whispers of not viewing our success in light of God’s Word. None of the workers on this temple lived to see its glory and how it exceed that of Solomon’s Temple. That didn’t happen until the Messiah came into the temple over 500 years later. With God, a thousand years is as a day. True success will be measured in the light of eternity, not in our lifetimes. We need to keep this in mind as we labor for the Lord. The harvest is at the end of the age, not at the end of each day. Whatever our source of discouragement, God understands and He cares. But He doesn’t coddle us or let us stay there, He encourages us to keep it up, to persevere. In chapter 2, three times the Lord repeats, “Be strong!”, “Take courage!” and He tells them to work. Keep going! Persevere! There are two aspects to this kind of perseverance: an attitude and an action. The people had the wrong attitude. They were weak because they had gotten their focus off the Lord and onto the slow, disappointing progress on the temple. Maybe they were thinking, “This will never get done. We’re just wasting our time!” Have you ever noticed how much your attitude affects your ability to persevere? If you’re motivated, you can stay up all night on a project. But if you get discouraged, you procrastinate and never get around to finishing it.

We hear a lot about pastors, leaders and church workers burning out and quitting the work that they formally say God called them to do. Yet in many of those cases,  the cause of their burnout just may be,  because they did not properly manage their schedules and task as they should have, they were micro managers trying to control everything and do everything without utilizing the help that God provided them in fellow church servants that had the spiritual gifts to do the jobs needed for those many task. They had the wrong attitude when faced with discouragement because of setbacks or disappointments. They were unable to deal with the backlash of people who are in the church, that no one could make happy. And sadly, sometimes they simply do not want to surrender to the call after they begin the work because, they find the task cost them more than they are willing to pay.

But can I tell you that sometimes, people just loose heart. They need someone to come alongside them and remind them that their work is paying off even though they can not see the end results and to keep on keeping on. As God’s servants we cannot afford to be emotionally fragile. Someone offends us, we get our feelings hurt and choose to drop out of service instead of handling things the way God’s Word tells us to. Someone doesn’t do what we had expected or the way we would do it, we quit. Someone criticizes what we’re doing, and we say, “Let them do it cause, I’m out of here!”. But God says, “Be strong!” We aren’t to be strong in our own strength, of course, but in God’s strength 2 Cor. 3:5. But, be strong! Have the attitude that hangs in there in spite of obstacles. The real question is not how do we see things, but how does God see things? If we have not factored God into the equation, we don’t see things in the right perspective and it is certain that we will not last. Remember the story of the 12 spies in Num. 14:9, who went into the land of Canaan? Ten of them came back focused on the giants in the land and said, “We’re like grasshoppers in their sight. We can’t conquer them!” But Joshua and Caleb came back and said, paraphrasing, “Because God is with us and He has promised us that land, it will be ours!” Be strong in attitude!

You see your attitude provides your motivation, but motivation without work won’t get the work done. Joshua and Caleb had the right attitude of trust in the Lord. But they still had to go into the land and fight the giants. Much of the Lord’s work requires of us, far more perspiration than inspiration! That is certainly true in my own service to the Lord. Just because we’re gifted in whatever we do for the Lord does not mean that it just flows effortlessly. To persevere we must not only be strong; we also must work and sometimes the work alone is why God’s people give up. Because they have to work to do it! It’s always easier doing what suits us verses doing what is required of us.

God assures us when we are discouraged in serving Him by His presence, His promise, and His prophecy according to 2:4b-9. After telling Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the people to be strong and to work, God adds, ‘“For I am with you,’ says the Lord of hosts.” The Jews may have feared a hostile host against them, but God is the Lord of hosts, the supreme ruler over all the armies of heaven and earth. If the Lord of hosts is with us, who can defeat us? If we’re serving Him, then nothing can happen to us accidentally or without His express permission. The assurance of His presence should lift our discouragement and enable us to press on. After many years of hardship and danger in the heart of Africa, David Livingstone received an honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow. On that occasion, he said, “Would you like me to tell you what supported me through all the years of exile among people whose language I could not understand, and whose attitude toward me was always uncertain and often hostile? It was this: ‘Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.’ On those words I staked everything, and they never failed.” God gave us His Promise”  Chapter 2:5 refers to the covenant God made with Israel when they came out of Egypt. He promises them now, as He had then, that His Spirit would go with them and abide in their midst. Therefore, they need not fear. God has made a better covenant with us than He did with them, the New Covenant, enacted on better promises according to Heb. 8:6. Jesus sealed that New Covenant with His own blood. He promised us the indwelling Holy Spirit to be with us forever  in John 14:16. When we grow discouraged in our service for Him, we should remember His promise, that He would not leave us as orphans, but would come to us and that in the meanwhile, He has given us the Holy Spirit to enable us to serve Him. The many prophecies in Scripture are not given for us to speculate about the future, but to strengthen and encourage our faith. When we see how God has worked down through the ages in accordance with what He told His people in advance, it encourages us to keep serving Him, knowing that the remaining unfulfilled prophecies will surely yet be fulfilled.

One of the most remarkable examples of a Christian persevering is Jesus Christ Himself. Yet even He, the Son of God became overwhelmed in the work that He faced as he was headed to the cross, but thank God He did not give up or back down from the task that He was called to do. He simply yielded. He yielded His way to the Father’s way by saying in the garden, “not my will, but yours be done”. That sweet friend is what our response must be when we are facing hardships, hurts and disappointments for lack of encouragement. Instead of giving up, we must learn to get up, encourage ourselves with the truth an don’t give in to hell’s pity party that we are invited to. As God’s people, you can persevere in whatever the Lord has given you to do for His kingdom. Just like the people building the temple in Haggai’s day, I give you these Words from the Lord, allow them to sink deep with you and encourage you to keep on keeping on. The battle is not over but the victory is already won, so let us live like we believe it! You will survive when the fire inside you burns brighter than the fire around you. So, be encouraged today sweet friend, what you are doing in serving the Lord of your life is important, never loose heart! He is coming soon and your reward is with Him!
Hold Fast,

·         Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. -  Colossians 3:23-244

·         God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. -  Hebrews 6:10

·         Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. - Proverbs 11:25

·         Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. -  Luke 6:38

·         As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. - 1 Peter 4:10-11

·         Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; - Romans 12:10-11

Winning the battles that you face

 If you’re walking through a time of battle, feeling like you have been abandoned, soaking in fear and anxiety right now my friend, you may ...