Spoken words with the intent of guile, will only cause someone to withdraw, pull back or shut down. So, be sure to taste your words before you share them with someone else. There are times that it would be better to sew our mouths shut than to allow the temptation to speak ugly and hurtful words to someone, only to wish that we could take them back. Gracious words however, help people to open up, blossom and motivates them to reach for higher ground. Every word that we speak to others will either lift them up or bring them down. Those words can encourage them or get a hostile reaction if spoken in bitterness, hate, anger or jealousy. There are plenty of toxic people who care nothing about what comes out of their mouth. If there is a wrongful thing to say, they will say it with ease and give no thought to the consequences of how and who all it will effect. We each, must decide which kind of person we will choose to be, toxic or graceful. Col. 4:6 says, “Let your speech be always with grace.” The words we speak have enormous power to build up someone or destroy them. Scripture is very clear in its teaching on how the tongue is like fire and can be used to destroy if it is not brought under control. Paul told us to “Watch the way we talk, to say only what helps, according to Ephesians 4:29. Solomon told us that there is healing in the words of the wise in Proverbs 12:18. A wise man listens to instructions and obeys it. You will find that most people will reproduce the seeds that you sew in their lives, be it bad or good seed. If we are telling someone that they are worthless or incapable, they will probably strive to fail and prove us correct in most cases. However, if we are encouraging them in grace and praising the good in them, they will make every effort to strive to justify our confidence in them. One of the simplest ways to avoid doing harm with our words is to keep our mouths shut! Period. Do not make comments or offer advice in situations that you know you should not. Because if it is done with the wrong heart and attitude, those that you are making your comments to will not listen, but take offense and you will not only have done them a horrible spiritual service, but you will wreak havoc on yourself and often times your own family, especially if they hear you, or aware of what you have said. Simply put, we reap what we sow. Some good advice that we should hearken to is found in, 1 Peter 3:10-11 "If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies”. “Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.” If we are in Christ, we have no choice but to do what He says, if we do not, we will suffer the consequences of our actions.
Loving on you today sweet friend,