Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Man cannot measure its effects nor can they tell exactly how it’s power is released in the human body when someone chooses “Hope”. Hope is mostly intangible, until you have reached out for it. It may be impossible to see or touch it, until you have crossed over to where hope waits. It plays a most important role in our lives when we are at wits end and in need of a deeper help other than ourselves. Hope brings us healing and promise and it powers us to move ahead in our life. Hope can be contagious as we see other’s being gratified by its power. Hope in one person, can very well activate and raise hope in another and before you know it, it becomes contagious. The Bible teaches that hope fills us with joy and peace as we lay aside our gloom and doom and reach out for something better. The truth is that the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and He promises to help those who cry out to Him. Jesus says to you, “Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I’ll give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.

There are a lot of dark places in life and while they appear to be like long dark train tunnels, keep in mind that a lot of engineering went into designing those tunnels, and are actually true marvels of engineering, as they help trains navigate through harsh and unwelcoming territories. You may be yearning today sweet friend for that light at the end of your tunnel. But while you are waiting, through faith, the flame of your hope can provide some much needed glimmers of God’s light. It's there, shimmering and dancing waiting for you to see it. You simply need to break out of your tunnel vision and gaze a little wider and when you do, hope steps in and helps you cope, with whatever it may be that is causing your darkness. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
Loving on you today,

Finding God's Place For Your Life

God has a plan for every life that He creates. His plan is sure, wise and designed to fit our personality and position in this world. His design involves where we go and what we do, and the people that He places in our lives. How do we know this? Because His Words tells us so. Before God created the first man and the first woman, He created a place for them to be, and He placed them there. When He established His relationship with Israel as a people set apart for Him, He had already established a place for them to live in the Promise Land. Even the Son of God, as He left the throne of God, to come to earth and live amongst a lost world, had a plan and a place already picked out for His arrival as well as His leaving.
You too, sweet friend have a promised future if you will diligently seek Him and follow where He will lead you. You see, when we seek after God, we run into His goodness, we find the wisdom we need in every area of our lives and we open the door for His Kingdom to be done in our personal lives as it was for-planned in heaven for us to live. However, if we choose to not seek God on the level that He ask of us to seek Him on, we will miss out on the plans that He has prepared for us. Like Adam and Eve’s failure in the garden as they chose to disobey God, because they chose to do things their way, it ended up costing them the very plan that God had designed and intended for them to have, the Garden Paradise. While life is no longer perfect since sin came into the world, God though His own plans has a place of blessing for each of us, but we must continue in His ways and not fall short.
Staying connected to God means you must make the effort it takes. An occasional trip to the church house to drop a few dollars in the plate, posting sweet pics with Bible verse on it about Jesus on your Facebook, is not how the true child of God, stays connected. I, am talking about a real, live connection to the Son of God, and to the God Who created you. To connect with God, Webster describes it this way, to bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established. To join together so as to provide access and communication. To link to a power source. Are you really connect to God? Are you in a place that God has for you or do you wish you were? If not, seek Him for that place in faith, and stay expectant. For God knows the plans that he has for you, to prosper and not to harm you. But you must seek Him, on His terms. Are you doing things God’s way, or yours? Remember, “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 
Loving on you today,

Winning the battles that you face

 If you’re walking through a time of battle, feeling like you have been abandoned, soaking in fear and anxiety right now my friend, you may ...