Have you ever craved a certain food? Maybe… some chocolate? I have craved chocolate so bad that I would cut into a chocolate cake before I even got it iced, with only one thought as I was cutting into the warm chocolate sweetness of that cake, and that was simply to devour it as soon as possible! I’ve seen people and animals alike crave after food or drink.
I’ve seen deer as they craved water so bad that they would look at my barking dog as though she was an idiot dog and pass her by just to get a drink from our pond because they were so thirsty for water. Those same deer come to our pond daily to quench that thirst. No one has to lead them there, because they have drank from its water before, and their thirst is what always leads them back. Like my craving for chocolate, they crave the cool refreshing water that the pond provides them. They know that my barking dog is no match for their thirst and nothing will keep them from returning time after time to be refreshed.
Some days my craving for the Lord is equally as great as that craving for chocolate. As I see the deer return to the pond to quench their thirst, I am reminded of Psalm 42:1-2 and that the meer fact that I thirst or crave for the Lord is a sign that I belong to Him and that no other person, nor other thing on earth can quench the thirst that I have. I know that because He has quenched my thirst in past times. As a matter of fact, I have never left His presence thirsty. I have tasted and I know it is good…and so I shall always return to His well… that never runs dry, to quench me when I am spiritually dry and weary for a fresh drink.
How bout you? Do you thirst or hunger after God in this way? Is the thirst or hunger there because you’ve tasted and seen that the Lord is good and know that He alone can satisfy it?
A. W. Tozer describes that panting, taste or craving, as a "piercing sweetness"... he said that he had tasted God’s goodness, and it both satisfied him and caused him to be thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need, he said… I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made thirsty still." Now friend...that thar is some good stuff!
Jonathan Edwards described panting as… a longing to be satisfied, while Charles Spurgeon saw this craving as a sign of growth… saying, that the un-renewed man pants after anything other than God: . . . It proves a renewed nature when you long after God; it is a work of grace in your soul, and you may be thankful for it." I love that last part….”…and you may be thankful for it!
Paul craved after the Lord as well. You can tell in statements that he makes in the scriptures like the one in Philippians 3:8, where he says…What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…think about that, he considered everything a loss compared to his knowing the Lord….yeah, he knew about panting for the Lord, that you can be assured!
Hebrews tells us that God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him….so He will not fail you if you pursue Him or go to meet with Him like that latter part of Psalm 42:2 says. He will rush to meet you and to satisfy your desire. Which brings me to my point of worshiping... If you are like me, there are times that you so long for the Lord….to be in His presence face to face fellow shipping with Him and only worship takes us there (God inhabits the prasie of His people). There is a song that I love that actually talks about that verse in Psalm 42 concerning the deer panting after the water….it goes something like this…
As the deer pants for the water
So my soul longs after You.
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship You.
You alone are my strength, my shield,
To You alone may my spirit yield.
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship You.
I want You more than gold or silver,
Only You can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy-giver
And the apple of my eye.
You're my Friend...,
Even though You are a King.
I love You more than any other,
So much more than anything.
While Jesus does fill me every time I go….I know that the thirst is allowed to keep me coming back, just like the deer…we both know where to go when we are craving a drink, because our thirst always leads us there! Jesus said that His Sheep hear His voice and know Him…. if you are thirsting...let it draw you to Him!
Oh sweet friend, run to Water of life….He is there waiting….even now!
Loving on you today,